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Nutritional Info

Get detailed nutritional information for each food or Recipe.

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User contributions

Contribute your own food data to enhance the API's database

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Recipe Search

Find your favorite recipes quickly and easily

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Meal Planner

Plan your meals for the week with our interactive meal planner.

About NutriData

NutriData API is a gateway to comprehensive nutritional information. We're passionate about food and health, and we've created this API to help you access valuable data that can empower your applications and services.

My journey with the NutriData API began with a simple question: "What's in our food, and how does it impact our lives?" As a health-conscious individuals. i often found myself meticulously examining nutrition labels and searching for ways to make informed dietary choices. NutriData was inspired by my love for healthy living, cooking and exploring new cuisines. We wanted to create a platform that makes it easy for food enthusiasts to discover, share recipes and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This curiosity led me to develop NutriData API, not just as a project requirement but as a solution to a real-world problem. I envisioned a tool that would make it easy for everyone to access accurate and up-to-date nutritional information about the food they consume.Through research and hardwork, i brought this vision to life. I hope this API will not only benefit developers but also individuals looking to lead healthier lives by making informed food choices.

Meet the Developer

Developer id

The NutriData API is proudly developed by Nandila Mulilalila. Nandila is a passionate software engineering student at Holberton University, where this project serves as a Portfolio Project. This project reflects her dedication to combining technology and nutrition to improve people's lives.

For collaboration, Connect:

GitHub Repository

Video Tour

Take a tour of NutriData by waching this video.